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Good Morning, my name is ____________ and this is NMS NEWS—


Today is Monday, February 3rd, 2025

Day 2  


Lunch today will be: Pasta and Meatball, roasted brussel sprouts and pears


Don’t know if you want lunch tomorrow? Tomorrow’s lunch will be: Grilled cheese, tomato soup, crackers and strawberry cup


Breakfast for tomorrow will be:

Banana mini loaf, yogurt, chilled fruit, juice and milk


Notes from the Chorus Corner:


Select choir after school until 3:45 today!



Orchestra lessons


News from Band Land:


The Jazz Band will meet tonight from 7-8 in the band room.


Lessons today are for 6th and 8th-grade:

·       6th-grade trumpets during period ONE

·       8th-grade percussion during period FOUR

·       8th-grade focus group during period FIVE

·       6th-grade trombones during period SIX

·       6th-grade horns during period SEVEN






Tomorrow is World Cancer Day. This day we are reminded that cancer hits this planet equally across the globe, but not all cancer patients have equal access to cancer treatments. Tomorrow, wear a shirt with another country’s name on it or dress with an international flair.


This Friday Student Council is hosting the annual Winter Dance. The dance will be held from 7:00 – 9:00 in the middle school gym. It will be great night of hanging out with your friends, dancing, and great music. Tickets are just $2 and will be for sale during all lunches starting on Wednesday. This is a Northern Middle School Students only dance and tickets are not available for sale at the door. Make sure you are there for a hot time at the Winter Dance.


Reminder:  All 6th and 7th grade girls PE classes will report to the HS swimming pool starting TODAY!  Please meet in the hallway by the cafeteria bathrooms with your swimming gear.  Thank you!


Attention Builders Club members:


Our February Club Meeting is THIS WEEK - Thursday February 6 in the Library from 2:45 - 3:45. Please check the Schoology Club page for reminders.  Pringles due.


It's time for Motivational Monday!


Today's quote is "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water"... 


These are the words of Rabindranath Tagore 

(pronounced "ruh bin druh nath" "tah gore"), who was an Indian writer, composer, artist, and philosopher.


Think about today's words and their meaning for you.


Today's Motivational Monday, as well as all of this week's contributions, are courtesy of an anonymous 6th grade SIP student.




Have a great day and please rise for a moment of silence followed by the playing of the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance.