Northern Online Academy
Northern York County School District is a charter member district for CAOLA (Capital Area Online Learning Association)
An analysis of online learning needs in the Capital Area region conducted through the CAIU concluded that there is a substantial and rapidly increasing demand for student instruction that incorporates technology using online courses. School Districts in the Capital Area region came together as the Capital Area Online Learning Association (CAOLA) to enter into contracts for services, develop courses, and administer a viable, cost-effective and quality online learning solution for students. The Northern Online Academy is an OPTIONAL program that students have to enroll into. Enrollment is not automatic even after completing an application. This optional program has strict guidelines and expectations. Mobile users, keep scrolling for an informational video and PowerPoint about the CAOLA program.
The member districts and the Capital Area Intermediate Unit will increase and extend learner options for achieving common goals by collaborating to develop and implement a regional, comprehensive, student-centered learning solution which effectively utilizes the latest technologies and research-based instructional strategies.
Key Objectives
- Address unmet needs of students by increasing available options for learning content
- Increase available options to meet various learning modalities
- Create relevance by connecting required learning to real-world applications
- Increase available options for credit recovery, interventions, and alternative education
Contact Request
If you would like to learn more about our program or take the first steps for registering, please complete this form - Northern Online Academy (CAOLA) Information Request
Please direct any additional questions to:
Mr. Troy Sauer, NMS Principal
(717) 432-8691 x1302
Your child MUST BE registered with the Northern York County School District before they can even apply for the Northern Online Academy.