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School Counseling

The middle school counselors provide the following services:



• Individual, brief counseling in a confidential setting.

• Small and large group counseling for situational needs.

• Attendance at meetings regarding students.

• Orientation activities for 5th graders and new students.

• Assistance to 8th graders in selecting courses for the 9th grade.

• Monitoring of students’ academic progress throughout the school year.

• Referrals to community agencies and resources.

• Coordination of Child Study meetings and 504 Plan meetings.

• Participation on the building’s Student Assistance Program (SAP) team.

• Literature for parents, students and community members, regarding a variety of child and adolescent issues.


Ms. Madelynn Moodie (6th grade and 7 Purple) & Mr. Mark Tauzin (7 White and 8th grade), are available to students for personal and social issues, academic issues, as well as career guidance. Our Guidance Department secretary is Mrs. Miller. You may reach the Guidance Office by calling 432-8691.


Teresa Miller: ext. 1308, email:

Madelynn Moodie: ext 1397, email:

Mark Tauzin: ext 1305, email:


E-mail is checked regularly, so feel free to contact the counselors or Mrs. Miller with an email if that is more convenient for you. Under the Guidance section to the left are links to the counselors' websites. There may be information and resources useful to you there. Also, at the bottom of this website there are some helpful links.


Grief, Loss, and Trauma: Presentation for Parents and Caregivers


Guidance Office Hours: M-F 7-3:30