Athletic Eligibility
1. ELIGIBILITY - A student may not participate or practice for any athletic team or co/extra-curricular activity unless he or she is in school by 9:00am the day of the scheduled contest or practice. If the event is on a Saturday or school holiday, the student must be in school by 9:00am on the preceding school day. This rule may be waived by the Athletic Director and Principal for extenuating circumstances. If a student leaves school before 12:30pm for a medical or dental appointment, he or she must return to school by 2:40pm in order to be eligible to participate in any athletic contest or practice.
2. Students must demonstrate academic eligibility in order to participate in interscholastic athletics and co/extra-curricular activities. The student must be passing 4.3 credits on a weekly cumulative basis, starting with the beginning of the marking period. If students do not meet this standard, they become ineligible for the following week (Monday through Saturday). Students must also be passing 4.3 credits at the end of each grading period. If not, they will become ineligible for the first fifteen- (15) school days of the next grading period. Exception – if a student is passing four (4) credits, he/she will be given a one-week eligibility warning that will permit practices and participation. Each student will be given only one warning per sports season. Anyone who has been ineligible for a week after passing fewer than four credits will not receive a subsequent warning period that season. Students will not be able to practice or ride with the team to events during the ineligibility period.
At the Middle School level, each core subject is considered 1 credit. Each marking period class is considered .50 credits. Each 2 days/cycle class is considered .33 credits.
7th and 8th grade sports, the musical, indoor guard, and dance are considered extracurricular and co-curricular activities that would fall under eligibility requirements.