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Northern Middle School Student Assistance Program


In 1991, Pennsylvania passed Act 211 requiring each school district to establish and maintain a program to  provide counseling and support services for students experiencing barriers to their education.  School districts have met this requirement through the Student Assistance Program (S.A.P.). Teams are comprised of administrators, school social worker, teachers, school counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, and community liaisons from drug & alcohol and mental health service agencies. These team members has been through an extensive training program to become part of the team.  Students are referred to S.A.P. for a variety of reasons to include but not limited to: experimenting with drugs and alcohol, withdrawing from friends and family, unexplained physical injuries, divorce/separation of parents, sudden drop in grades, recent death of a loved one, or other traumatic events.

If your child (or another student) is experiencing difficulty at school or home, the Student Assistance Program is an excellent resource. 

For more information: Family and Parent Guide

For information on the referral process please follow the link.

Other resources related to the Student Assistance Program can be found at